Jacob Rosecrants for Oklahoma House District 46

Learn more at jacobrosecrants.com.
The Oklahoma Democratic Veterans Federation strongly supports the re-election of Representative Jacob Rosecrants to Oklahoma House District 46. The nephew of a US Navy veteran of the Korean conflict who lived at the Veterans Center in Norman until her recent passing, Jacob is in close touch with veteran friends and constituents. He serves on the House Veterans Committee. He is committed to moving beyond lip service to actual solutions, adequately funded. For example, mental health services need to be more readily accessible.
Representative Rosecrants not only listens to Veterans, but also takes action on their recommendations. For example, a conversation with a constituent whose son, an Iraq war Veteran, died by suicide, inspired Jacob to create a Veteran Suicide Prevention Task Force. “We darn well better provide for our Veterans,” Rosecrants declares, “as putting your life on the line in military service is one of the highest callings.” His voting record since 2018 reflects that commitment.